Symbol editor, multipart symbol copy-paste "error"?

I use kicad version 6.0.8 on Windows 10 operating system.

I would like to create my own symbol library. This still works. When I create a multipart symbol there is an unusual behavior.

  1. I create a multipart symbol. Set “Number of units per package” to 2. Set the “Units are not interchangeable”.

  2. I draw the completely different units A and B. It’s working perfectly fine so far.

  3. I select some drawing elements from another existing symbol (e.g. lines, circle, rectangle) and copy them with ctrl-c.

  4. I switch to the “A” unit of the new symbol and paste the copied parts with CTRL-V. The copied parts will then appear in both “A” and “B” units. And if I delete an element in either unit, the selected element is deleted in both “A” and “B” units. It’s as if these drawing elements are “glued together”.

I made a small video in which I present this. You can see it at this link:

What can be done to easily copy the same part to different units?

Thank you, for your support.

Most parts of most symbols have the checkbox “this item is common to all units” checked. If you copy some items (rectangles/text/…) you also copy the state of this checkbox. So all copy-pasted items than appear on all units of a multi-unit-symbol.

Currently you have to manually uncheck the “common to all units” - checkbox of all pasted items if you want the pasted items to behave individually and not “glued together”.

Another option is to copy the switch to both symbol parts first (will do both simultaneously if common) then untick the common box on the new symbols and continue with the creation of the two parts.

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