You need to consider your interpretation for a minute, because it’s very, very strange.
The purpose of a high-level language is to generate machine language. The
advantage in using the HLL over writing machine language is human-readability.
No interpreter or compiler would ever have been written if the source code were only
for people to read. There was already something like that, and it’s called “a novel”.
Nobody writes code (in any language) just for other people to read - well, maybe some
profs do when they’re trying to make a point about programming style, but that’s not the
real world. Its PRIMARY purpose is to be fed through the tool that turns it into the
machine language the computer understands. Its secondary purpose is to be readable, understandable, and maintainable by humans. If you disagree with this
statement, please consult a computer science professor. Or my wife. She’s a complete
nontechnical blockhead, but even she gets this.
There is a valid case for using a schematic drawing solely and simply as reference
documentation, of course, and that’s when you’re creating the actual hardware by hand.
I’ve done lots of this over the years: Wire-wrapped or point-to-point soldered (we call
that “artisanal wiring” now) a prototype and documented it in the schematic, which can
be drawn by hand or in CAD - doesn’t matter, it’s just a picture.
But if you’re then feeding it through to a PCB layout system, the accuracy of that
drawing - as interpreted by the software, not how it appears to you - is the only thing
that matters. And the information it’s taking from the schematic, the list of pins and
connections, is in the form of the netlist. If your netlist isn’t perfectly accurate, the errors
will be reflected in the final product (the PCB). So the entire schematic capture
system’s responsibility is to maintain the integrity of the netlist, because none of the
remaining processes care at all what your schematic looks like. Don’t get me wrong -
I’m as anal-retentive as the next geek, and I want my schematics and layouts to be
gorgeous. But I also understand that the appearance of a drawing is a cosmetic
consideration that I (and others looking at it) appreciate, but doesn’t matter a whit in
terms of the actual design within the EDA system.
So I’m going to say it again: The purpose of CAD schematic entry is to use a high-level,
human-readable visual language to create a netlist. One more time: The ultimate
purpose of entering the schematic into an EDA system is to generate a netlist, because
you’re engaged in nonproductive exercise if all you’re doing is drawing a picture for
people to look at rather than building a database for the remainder of the EDA tools to
A good EDA system is built to provide you with every possible tool and means for
creating (via schematic capture), then not screwing up, the netlist. A bad system is one
that fails in any of those respects. So you’re arguing against your own interests when
you say that KICAD’s schematic capture is just great, as long as you follow a very
strict set of rules that are extremely easy to accidentally break, and every time you edit,
you check the whole damn thing again to make sure that you haven’t inadvertently
added errors that the software didn’t catch. Why wouldn’t you agree that a tool that
works to both prevent and catch those errors is the superior, and more desirable, one?
I will never understand why people will foam at the mouth arguing against their own
best interests, usually because they’re wedded to a broken system and can’t clear their
heads enough to see how much better other people, who do it a little differently, have it.
I have no intention of veering off into a pointless political argument here, but this is a
very appropriate analogy that I think many here will immediately understand, identify
with, and agree with: That’s how those of us who live outside of the US and are
provided free health care by our countries view people in the States who rail against
“socialized medicine”. Why don’t they get how much better it could be for them? This
is like that.