Symbol color does not match parent for derived symbols

I planned to give resistors a different color depending on size. e.g. 0805 blue, 0402 red
I changed all resistors to have single parent and changed the parent color. Unfortunately the color of the inherited parts is different (darker)

Is this intentional behavior ? If so is there a way to override this ?

I think that’s normal, inherited parts have a brown body fill colour which cannot be edited. See for example LM7812_TO220 which is derived from LM7805_TO220.

“It’s been a while since we’ve seen output…”

When was the last time you turned it on? :slight_smile:

When someone pulled my enable pin :slight_smile:

Thanks for your reply. I think you misunderstood my question. I understand I cannot edit the graphics of an inherited symbol. However when I change the color of the graphics of the parent symbol, the color of the inherited symbol does not match the parent (but is does change)

Sorry, I’m not seeing the phenomenon you describe, i.e. darker body fill colour in child symbols.

I took an existing symbol and changed the fill colour to light aqua.

Then I derived another symbol from that, and the fill colour was the same. I switched between the parent and child symbols and couldn’t see any difference.

Just to make sure my eyes weren’t deficient, I opened the symbol library in a text editor. The parent symbol had these lines:

                                (start -7.62 16.51)
                                (end 7.62 -16.51)
                                        (width 0)
                                        (type default)
                                        (type color)
                                        (color 133 255 244 1)

The child symbol had no such lines, nor could the graphics be edited.

So, :person_shrugging:

Darker informs you that this graphic is not to be edited.
But it is only in symbols editor. At schematic I didn’t noticed difference between root and derived symbols.

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