Symbol background color overlapping symbol body

Hello great forum,

First post and I absolutely love KiCad! Great update from 4 to 5!! :heart:

Recently I decided to challenge myself and try to implement USB Type-C into my design. When drawing the symbol I wanted to recreate a symbol I saw online ( but I found that combining arcs and rectangles/ lines does not create a satisfying symbol. The problem for rectangles being the top and bottom line and for lines not being able to create background at all for the midpart. Is there a way to solve this?

(The overlapping pin numbers with the symbol body has already been solved, so no need to look at that)

Thanks in advance for your time!


Thanks i tried this. Help me :sunglasses:

Draw the mid section with the polygon tool rather than an entire rectangle!

Sadly using polygons doesn’t allow me to fill the area with background color :frowning:

It does work with a three sided polygon. Single line ‘polygons’ don’t seem to connect in a way that supports foreground, background fills which looks like a software shortcoming to properly enclose irregular shapes!

I presume you do have the same rounded shape at the lower end as well. In this case you are out of options as it stands.

Take a look at the symbol for the 4001 logic chip as found in the official library.


Kind of tedious but does the trick. Thanks for pointing out that one.

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