Symbol and footprint of components

Why not use and learn the kicad internal tools?
The only skill required is to read a datasheet. Making footprints is a bit faster if you know how to use the user grid or array function to place your pads quite fast.

OK… I tried to search for the symbol settings in the Eeschema window (the one that looks like a gear wheel – the only gearwheel based icon I could find was Preferences --> Save preferences / load preferences). Pls. be more specific.

Thanks and Regards,
Arvind Gupta

Changing symbols is done in the symbol editor.

OK thanks… I was able to make the symbol and footprint of the SPDT in independent folders. Also could instantiate them separately in schematic and layout files. I wanted to know how to correlate the pins of symbol to the pads of the footprint so that when I use them in the schematic, assign footprint to schematic component, import netlist and read it in the pcb editor, I am able to see ratsnest wires symbolizing connections between the footprint of SPDT and other components’ footprints.

Arvind Gupta

(PS: I forgot to add that I did not add .pretty in the footprint library name. Is it OK? How to I rename to set things in order otherwise?)

Look at the old post: Linking Pins to Pads

Simply re-name the folder, like you would re-name any other folder on your computer.


OK. I did the changes… named the pins and pads with the same corresponding number and renamed the footprint folder as footprint.pretty (I have 2 folders in one folder now: one named as ‘symbol’ and other as ‘footprint.pretty’). I also went to schematics -->Preferences --> Component Library and added the symbol. Next I went to layout --> Footprint Library Manager --> Append Library with wizard and appended the footprint.pretty folder as global library (with plugin type as KiCAD).Then I restarted the tool.
Next, I instantiated two SPDT switch instances and a diode. Saved the test schematic and tried to associate symbols with footprint. I got the following error:

When I closed the error, I got the following confirmation message:

If I selected ‘Yes’, none of my schematic components were displayed. If I selected ‘No’, my schematic components were displayed but the pcb footprint corresponding to the switch was not there in the list of the right side. Pls. see image.

What do I do to correct this problem? I was trying to check if the pins of symbol instantiated in schematic are getting properly associated with the correct pads of the footprint.

Thanking You,
Arvind Gupta.

It has been 22 days since you created this thread and you still can’t follow all the advice above to link a symbol to a footprint???

Your problem is likely that the footprint you think you want to use is not a compatible file with KiCad.

First, stop using outside web sources to create symbols and footprints.
Second, use the tools that come with KiCad.

On the top graphical menu bar in Cvpcb there are icons that select which filters to apply (one can hover the mouse pointer to find out about them).

Select the library on the left pane, then double click on footprint on the right pane. When every symbol has a footprint assigned, click save.

OK. That was the problem. I had made the symbol using quicklib (it was an easy way to do so – as mentioned in the ‘Getting started with KICAD’ manual) and footprint with KiCAD. When I remade the symbol using KiCAD, the problem went away. Since I make PCBs part time and presently I was not getting much time to do so, hence the delay.

Thanks All,
Arvind Gupta