Switching Layer (visibility) via 'Sets'.. How?

I am finding it a little tedious repeatedly switching between two or more layer sets in the layout display options.

I want to view say the Front Side with all the “Front-Stuff” selected, then later I want to select the Back Side with all the “Back-Stuff” Selected and I switch between then often when checking and reviewing a complete design (during routing one would obviously want both simultaneously).

Is there a (macro/script) or just a menu I missed to say “Select Layer Set 1” or “Select Layer Set 2” etc … ?

This is even more tedious when the RENDER tab options also have to be edited for each swap.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks, Deon

There are shortcut keys for switching layers, ‘+’ and ‘-’ will scroll through the copper layers, ‘PageUp’ and ‘PageDn’ will switch between top and bottom copper layers, and ‘v’ will switch between the selected layer pairs. If you are referring to changing a layers visibility I’m not aware of any easier way to do that.

For a complete? list of shortcut keys press ‘?’. Some of them are not very consistent. For example ‘Return’ doesn’t always behave as ‘Mouse Left Click’.

The functionality you’re after is not implemented yet, but it should be possible via scripting. But I have no clue how to do it… might need someone with some experience in that area to chime in…

I’d also like to know how to do this.

In EAGLE (don’t worry, I’ll never use Eagle again), I had F8-F12 set up to show me:
F8: all layers
F9: only layers related to top side of board & top side components
F10: only internal layer 2
F11: only internal layer 3
F12: only layers related to bottom side of board & bottom side components