SW_Push_12mm drill holes too small


The holes for the SW_PUSH_12mm are 0.8mm which is too small for the switch it is supposed to be for: https://www.e-switch.com/system/asset/product_line/data_sheet/143/TL1100.pdf

The pins on that are 1mm wide while the footprint is only 0.8mm…

I am referring to this:

Sadly I realized this after creating the PCB…

Report it over at github

Aaah, it was actually already reported, my bad https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-footprints/issues/1102

Hmm, now I think of it I also found this in a board I had made ages go but only recently got round to assembling. I don’t remember where the footprint came from.

That footprint goes back to the old “Discret.mod”, dating back to at least 2011. The hole sizes were 320 which I think is deci-mils, equivalent to 0.8128mm.

Either it was designed for a component with thinner leads, or it has always been wrong!

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