SVG to Gerber Kicad8.04

How do I convert an SVG to a Gerber? ( I drew a front panel in Inkscape so I can use a PCB as a panel, so no actual routing or schematic is needed, just silkscreen, drill and edge cuts ) Using Inkscape, I created an SVG with FSilkS, Drill and EdgeCuts layers. How do I import the 3 layers to their corresponding layers in Kicad8.04? I’m willing to just use a command tool if it’s not possible with Kicad.

I tried all the various plugins/extensions out there and there I was not able to get any of them working. I tried SVG2Shennzhen, Gerbolyze, PCBmodE, Gingerbread, and Stretch.

I was able to successfully import the SVG into Kicad but how do I get it split into layers? My current plan is to save a copy of my SVG to 3 separate files, 1 for each Kicad layer.

I assume / guess you have three different SVG files (what does Silkscreen, EdgeCuts or Drill mean in Inkscape???

Have you tried direct image import via: PCB Editor / File / Import Graphics. There is a dialog for the destination layer of the imported graphics.


After that, normal Gerber file creation should work. But there is no “Drill Layer” in KiCad. Drills are only used for footprints and via’s. You can create some kind of center mark, and then place footprints or via’s on them on the “PCB” / frontpanel inside the KiCad project.

SVT2Shenzen is getting a bit old, don’t know when it has been updated last. I guess Stretch should be compatible with KiCad V8.0.4 (with the extra dot. V8.04 does not exist). But I have not used any of those plugins for years.

Other options you cant try is to export DXF from InkScape and import that.

Closed shape at Edge.Cuts inside PCB makes hole in PCB. That way you can have holes without using footprints.

Yes, but those are routed holes, not drilled holes.

From PCB manufacturer I got info that they don’t care if I place big hole as a footprint and it will be milled not drilled. I didn’t asked opposite question but they certainly do some pre processing. I would not exclude that too small holes to mill will be drilled.
When I asked that I got answer that only what is important for them is to get unambiguous information what is needed. Rest they decide themselves.

Holes in front panel are probably not in a range of 0.3mm.

It happened to me not the first time.
If I quote the whole message then when I post my message that quote disappears and my post has a mark that I have edited it. Then I open it to insert quote back and my post got being edited twice (probably if someone just looked at it).

Thanks for all the info, I was able to get the convert my SVG to Gerber. I created layers in my Inkscape file which represent the layers in Kicad, and saved a SVG file for each of the layers. I then imported each SVG into Kicad’s corresponding layer. In the future, I’ll create my panel in Kicad, and export to SVG when I need to send files to a manufacturer, or import into Freecad to create a .step file.