Suggestions for KiCad development

Nice ideas, can you develop / implement them? :slight_smile:

Related with “grouping” I saw someone is working on similar features, but not sure if its merged already on development branch.

@kammutierspule Sadly, I’m not a programmer, and believe me, I would if I could.

This I would like. Having some control of nudge stepping would be nice too

Probably not to hard to write either, the interactions are with the rendering, DRC and the push and shove routing. Random dragging already affects all of these


Yes, agreed. Incremental nudging with the cursor keys would be good.

Shows I’m new to the software. However, it is a little clunky. I’d prefer just a left click to select and then nudge :slight_smile:

Yeah, you can use keys to nudge, or use Ctrl-M for relative move. Also, the array tool works on everything in Pcbnew, lines, parts, traces, everything, not just a single footprint.

I did implement two versions of grouping, the latest just yesterday, the one before that will not be added to version 5, dont know about after.


Great stuff. Iook forward to using that.

I think this might get merged soon.


Ctrl-M is often overkill, I just want to move a footprint L-R or U-D while not having to worry about nudging the mouse and moving on the other axis also. What is missing is rubber banding the existing connected tracks in GAL

Good news, there are two different patches (I believe one from Orson has been merged already) being discussed on the list to add this to OpenGL mode.

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To add : -

  1. A simple feature to measure the distance between pads in PCB footprint editor.
  2. The ability to resize a graphical rectangle which is a polygon, rather than each side being separate from the polygon, where each side has to be modified - in the PCB footprint editor.

Thanks and Regards,


In answer to your first suggestion, you will find that a ‘Caliper’ has recently been added to the nightly build :slight_smile:

The second request would be very desirable, as would lines that snapped back together without leaving a nanometer wide gap for the electrons to fall through.


Hi John,

Thanks for the update - i am using Fedora - so this feature will be a while in arriving.

I see you may be involved in physics - where as i am involved in basic electronics.



Well there are no new nightly builds for fedora since 7 month ago. I don’t know if this is because of a lack of maintainers or because of some sort of problem. (the copr repo by mangelajo stopped even thought the last builds were ok. But jkastner never got a single build to succeed.)

I think i will switch to arch.

Excellent, it makes it easy to check connectors are in the right place

Hi, Do you know the status of this function nowaday? I don’t think it’s merged in the latest V5.
Could you tell me something about this function?
Many thanks.

right click -> select -> same hierarchical sheet (added with version 5 as is to be expected for a discussion ending in “will be merged soon” from 2 years ago.)

A post was split to a new topic: Is reuse of pcb layout possible?