Suddenly CTRL+B stopped working


is there any error/console log whatever to have a clue ?

I did not change my Filled Zone, it just does not fill anymore

just tried Kicad 8, same issue

thanks for your help

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To fill all zones Just Press Only B

arf for f sake
thanks dude
so used to visual studio…

I feel your pain.

Back in the stone age (early 1980s), I had a part-time software engineering (mostly) job working with Intel 8048 micros. To delete a character in the “credit” editor you typed CTRL-D. Of course I typed CTRL-D a lot as I worked.

At the same time, I was working toward my bachelor’s degree at a local university. The university computer was accessed via ASR-33 teletypes, acoustic-coupled modems, and rotary-dial telephones. Establishing a connection took a bit of time and didn’t always guarantee a connection. I discovered by accident that typing CTRL-D caused the computer to hang up the phone from its end, as CTRL-D is the ASCII EOT or “End of Transmission” character.

I learned the hard way not to go straight from my job to the university computer lab. I needed at least an hour doing something else (like eating!) between the two to switch mental gears. Otherwise I found myself automatically typing CTRL-D after a typo, followed by a mad scramble to hang up the phone, dial up the computer, and log back in, hoping I hadn’t lost everything I’d done up to that point.

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Generally the difference in keystroke commands between different software drives me a bit nuts.

One idea in this instance: The boogie woogie bugle boy from company B.

Will that help? Probably not… :frowning:

But what happened to the boy from Ctrl-A?

He went to data processing school. No song and no girlfriend. :frowning:

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