I am tryint to create some new components for my library, downloading the PSpice models from Vendor sites. I am for example talking of an opamp OPA207 which has its PSpice model described with the starting line of the subckt definition as follows:
.subckt OPA207 IN+ IN- VCC VEE OUT
(or other libs may have a similar 5-pin opamp but same structure of the subckt declaration)
Here is the pin diagram:
The method I use for creating the symbol is pretty simple. I just copy the 8 pin (or 5 pin) model and change their Spice model to the *.lib file from the vendor’s website.
The question now is how do I associate the pin numbers with the specific ports? I tried the following methods to create a simple amplifier with a gain of say 5, using negative feedback.
- Just retain the OP7 (8-pin) or OPAMP (5-pin) diagrams as they are and change nothing, then try the simulation.
- Follow the pin diagram on the datasheet and then rerun the simulation.
Even in this case, I get a simulation timeout (no convergence)
What wrong am I doing? In general, are there any specific instructions to follow to associate pins to the ports whose names are declared in the subckt declaration?
Thanks in advance,