Subckts with port labels but not numbers

I am tryint to create some new components for my library, downloading the PSpice models from Vendor sites. I am for example talking of an opamp OPA207 which has its PSpice model described with the starting line of the subckt definition as follows:

.subckt OPA207 IN+ IN- VCC VEE OUT

(or other libs may have a similar 5-pin opamp but same structure of the subckt declaration)

Here is the pin diagram:

The method I use for creating the symbol is pretty simple. I just copy the 8 pin (or 5 pin) model and change their Spice model to the *.lib file from the vendor’s website.

The question now is how do I associate the pin numbers with the specific ports? I tried the following methods to create a simple amplifier with a gain of say 5, using negative feedback.

  1. Just retain the OP7 (8-pin) or OPAMP (5-pin) diagrams as they are and change nothing, then try the simulation.
  2. Follow the pin diagram on the datasheet and then rerun the simulation.

Even in this case, I get a simulation timeout (no convergence)

What wrong am I doing? In general, are there any specific instructions to follow to associate pins to the ports whose names are declared in the subckt declaration?

Thanks in advance,

This sequence of the subcircuit header line is important. You have to call this subcircuit with the adequate alternative node sequence. If for example your OpAmp symbol has the pin numbering like it is given in the data sheet for the 8-pin device, the alternative node sequence would be
3 2 7 4 6

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