Strange behavior in PCBnew DRC

Might be a rendering issue. Is the pin connected in gerbers if you export them?

Otherwise we really have a drc bug here.

Here are the gerbers screens for that section:



OK. Limited visibility but pin 21 was supposed to connect to the VIN net and if it doesn’t then the rest of the plane isn’t connected? That’s disturbing. I wonder why the rat went away when you poured. What kind of thermal relief, if any, are you using for the plane?

I’m not using any thermal reliefs.

Yeah, that was my guess from the ground plane. You may want to copy the project design off to another area to save for now and move on. I’d be interested if doing something simple like turning thermals on fixes the problem. It seems like a possible breaking point.

I’ll be gone for a couple hours but I’ll check back later to see how this all turns out. Hopefully just running a trace fixes your immediate problem. Good luck and thanks for posting.

Yep that makes sense. I’ll try that too. I’m doing away with those pins for now since they are redundant. Thank you and @Rene_Poschl for all your inputs. Do let me know if I should be marking this as a possible bug.

I would suggest taking a copy of this project in it’s current state, then take another copy and try to delete as much as possible from both the schematic and PCB such that the problem persists until you get to a point where you can send the project to someone without violating your NDA.

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I did some further digging on this and here is an update.

At some point during the design I had switched from a 2-layer to a 4-layer board. However, after figuring out that 4-layer boards are super expensive to fabricate at this size, I figured I’d try to make it work with a 2-layer design. Which is why I switched back to a 2-layer board. However, all the planes and pours on the 4 layer design were still present and when I switched back to the 2-layer design, Kicad still considered those planes to be part of the design and DRC (which is strange since those were explicitly turned OFF in the layers setup). Once I remove those planes and pours AND made sure there was nothing on those layers, I turned them OFF and now the DRC seems to be detecting the unconnected pins properly.