My PCB file has strange left-over wire frames that cannot be selected and removed.
Any idea what they are, how the got here, and how I can get rid of them.
Close up view.
I think you need to give a little more information . . . KiCad version, how was this Project created ? etc. post the Project here ?
Can you paste your version info here please, you can get it from KiCad > Help > About KiCad > Copy Version Info
Looks like someone was trying to make impossibly small copper pours looks like the hatching found around the edge of a zone but as small as you can get
basically no idea
Did you use the teardrop plugin ?
Not the built-in support
Have you checked Locked items in the selection filter? The purple looks like locked item shadow.
I had similar issues with built-in teardrops. However, a restart of KiCad always fixed the issue, they were only visual artifacts. Some teardrops were still rendered even after they were deleted.