Stop traces of the same net being absorbed by the copper pour

I have some traces that are GND which run on a filled zone that is also ground.

Currently they are absorbed by the copper fill and have no clearance around them… Is there any way to exclude them from being absorbed and maintain a clearance around them?

After searching the forum i found a similar question, with an answer that mentioning changing net names, alas i have yet to figure out exactly what i need to do to make this happen.

The part of the schematic for reference.


I see a bunch of different options.

  1. Just ignore it. It has no electrical consequence and your project will still work. It’s mostly a big time sink with no benefit.
  2. Just shove the tracks closer together, so there is no room left to fill extra GND area’s.
  3. Modify the GND zone, so it just not create fills in area’s you do not want filled.
  4. Use a rule area to exclude some parts of a zone from being filled.
  5. Use a net tie in between your switches and the GND net. This is what separates those nets.

Of bigger concern are the capacitors over the switches. Capacitors (especially Ceramic / SMT) can deliver very high peak currents, and it will discharge though the switch when it gets closed. This is likely to overload the switch and damage it’s contacts over time. This can be fixed with a small series resistor (Look up the datasheet of your switch, both for the minimum “cleaning” current, and for the maximum current the switch can handle).

Thankyou for the reply, i agree i has no benefit apart from it looks pretty… I drew a few keepout zones to do the job in the end…

The buttons are conductive rubber which i cannot find any specs for at all…

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