I designed before many homemade PCB using Altuim designer. now i want to work with the free kicad .
I downloaded the ‘2014.12.06-BZR5312’. i hoped that i will found the STM32 microcontrollers library included to the Kicad software but unfortunatly it wasn’t the case. i found only the atmel microcontrollers.
But searching inside the Kicad directory i found under " KiCad\share\library " many library that the KiCad library doesn’t included inside the software library. i found stm32.lib and stm32.dcm but none of them was reconized by the Kicad. and other library like devices, atmel are reconized.
thx @ChrisGammell for your video, i’m right now watching your youtube video and more specifically the part5 Creating Footprints with the Module Editor : youtube.com/watch?v=E4PwCW8wSLk .
but i have problem with this newest version of Kicad when i save the footprint in a new footprint library (module) the file extension is not ‘.mod but’ ‘.kicad_mod’ . like you did in 14:13 in the video
then i go back to Pcbnew window to add the new library GTB i have the newest interface and here how i add it but the footprint editor doesn’t recognize it.
KiCad new library format uses single .kicad_mod file for each footprint and a directory named .pretty for a footprint library. (Whereas the old format used .mod for a footprint library with many footprints). I think that’s the issue you are having. (KiCad is looking for old ‘Legacy’ .mod library when you are trying to save your footprint in new format.
Yes of course when i try to save the footprint library he the kiCad create automatically an .pretty folder that contain the footprint inside of it.
i accidentally remove this .pretty folder and put the footprint component kicad_mod directly in the project directory.
so when adding the footprint library instead of adding the kicad_mod i should add the .Pretty folder.
but i have another problem when runing the Cvpcb, i want to set the footprint of my resistor R i can’t choose the smd1206 because the Cvpcb apply some filter for every component, i only find a limited short list of footprint as shown in the photos :
See those 3 similar icons on the top on the far right? (the ones that look like chips)
Those set the filters on which footprints will be shown. You can apply just about any footprint to any symbol, the feature is there to prevent bad things from happening.