StepUp layer naming conventions

I couldn’t find anywhere that referenced the layer naming conventions used by the StepUP plugin for exporting footprints other than looking at the examples so I went to the code and made a few lists for reference. I haven’t tested all of these, but thought it would help others. I’m sure this may change in the future as well, so take it for what its worth.

Sketch name strings

The following strings must just be somewhere in the sketch label name. They can have text before or after as it is a match via if 'string' in o.Label. The hierarchy in bullet points mimics the if-statement logic (i.e. you must have the top most string for the code to check for the presence or absence of the substrings). Strings in parenthesis are negatively checked (i.e. if your sketch name does NOT have that string). Comma separated values in square brackets are all checked at the same time (but any match of a single item or more will pass a the sketch item to a List called sk_to_convert)

  • PTH_Drills
    • (NPTH_Drills)
      • _padNbr=
      • _padNbr=
    • Pads_NPTH
  • [F_Silks, F_Fab, F_CrtYd, Cmts, Pads_TH, Edge_Cuts, Pads_Round_Rect, FZ_, Pads_Geom]
  • NetTie_Poly
  • Pads_Poly

Note that for any of those in the List above (i.e. F_Silks, F_Fab…) the sketch name will match the first one in the list regardless of the sketch name, so for example, regardless if you named a sketch F_Silks_F_fab_0.16, F_fab_F_Silks_0.16 or F_fab_Pads_TH_F_Silks_0.16 they would be all be mapped to the F_Silks layer in KiCAD since they include the first item of the list (F_Silks).

I also note that later Pads_TH is ignored unless you have SMD somewhere in the name as well.

Edge Thicknesses

Note some of the above labels must end with _# where # is the edge thickness of the lines used in the layer. This is true for labels containing [Silks, Fab, Dwgs, Cmts, Cuts, Pads_Geom]

Edge thickness is not considered and defaults to 0 for labels containing [NPTH, Pads_Poly, NetTie_Poly, FZ_F_Mask, Pads_Round_Rect, and Pads_TH].


It also looks for any “LabelText” objects with the following in the names:

  • Ref
  • Val

You can find the code for the Pushfootprint code here and export_footprint which seems to be the relevant functions.

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