I finally got the symbol and footprints to work. Running 5.0.2
I now have an issue with trying to export a .stp file and I get a no board outline report. I had imported a DXF but it didn’t work and it was on the dwgs.User layer as well. So I changed to the edge.cuts layer and traced the outline with multiple line clicks around the arcs and such then double clicked at the end…still not able to export step. I did create a board outline but it looks like even the “Add a graphics line tool” are all single unattached lines forming the board outline. ???
Try replacing your outline with something simple like a square. The tolerance of segment aligment for STEP export is extremely low (even lower than for pcbnew to complain about a non-closed contour).
Also try lowering your outline thickness to better see if it’s non-continous.