Starting pcbnew with Cairo in kicad 5?

I had KiCad v5 working nicely under Linux Mint until I accepted an upgrade a few days ago. Now both pcbnew and the footprint editor fail to start and give the error:

“i965: Failed to submit batchbuffer: Input/output error”

This has already been reported as a bug (, tracked down to OpenGL, and a fix committed; the OP stated that both legacy and Cairo canvasses still work fine.

My question: Although a patch has been published to solve the crash, is it possible to continue with my layout before the patch trickles through to an upgrade? Is it possible to start pcbnew and the footprint editor with Cairo, maybe by manually editing a configuration file somewhere? (From what I can see, there are no command line options.)

FWIW: I didn’t change anything in my configuration - OpenGL seems to have been my default on install.


In your config directory (~/.config/kicad for linux and C:\Users\ …\AppData\Roaming\kicad for windows) There is a file called pcbnew.
The first line (canvas_type=0, 1 or 2) controls the canvas type. 1 is modern accelerated (opengl), 2 is modern fallback (cairo) and 0 is for the legacy canvas

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Ah! Great… but I am on Linux. What is the corresponding file under Linux?


Try reading more carefully :slight_smile:

:scream: Sorry. FWIW: gerbview has the same option.


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