I have migrated from using McCAD for over 15 years to KiCad so I am a newby. So far, I have plowed through the documentation and drafted a schematic a couple of stereo valve amps to get started. There is not much in the standard libraries for Valve/Tube amps using Turret-Board construction so I need to add some components and I noticed some issues with naming things.
I was a Data Modeller and RDBMS Designer for many years and used CAD tools to model large data models for businesses. My pet subject was Nomenclature and Ontologies of things (what things are called and how they are structured, hierarchically). Libraries and Components look familiar as Entities and Attributes but the standard libraries seem to use mixed standards?
I browsed the blog on ‘Standard symbol field names initiative’ and I had Deja-Vue when I saw colon separator characters suggested instead of separate fields, for example, Any data outside your control, such as a Part-Number or SKU, can contain any characters the creator wishes so it is standard practice to change what we choose as “special” or “separator” characters to something else on import.
My immediate problem:
I think I understand how to use Libraries, now?.. I need to create a separate Component for every discrete ’instance’ of a Component, that is, everything that makes it unique except Brand, which will be the personal choice of the person building the circuit. The Library should be the Component Type, e.g. Resistor, Capacitor, Valve/Tube, etc. The attributes that make a Component unique are then related to the Type/Library so, for example, a Resistor Library would have Components described by, for example, a Thru-the-Hole Resistor named ‘R-TTH-47R-1W-MOX-Axial-20-4-35’…
- Form Type (Thru-the-Hole - TTH)
- Value (47R)
- Rating (1W)
- Composition (Metal Oxide)
- Form (Axial)
- Length (20mm)
- Diameter (4mm)
- Hole Spacing (35mm)
Components need to have their names qualified by the Type of Library, so Resistors will all have ‘R-‘ prefixing their name and Capacitors will have ‘C-‘ prefix, etc.
Each Library will have its own set of attributes that make its Components unique. So, Capacitors will be described by:
For example, a Thru-the-Hole Capacitor named ‘C-TTH-100Ohm-500V-PIO-Radial-50-40-10’
- Form Type (TTL)
- Value (100 Ω)
- Rating (500V)
- Composition (Polyester, Paper in Oil, etc.)
- Form (Radial, Axial, SMD, etc.)
- Length (50mm)
- Diameter or Width (40mm)
- Hole Spacing (10mm)
Excuse the hyphen separators, these could be anything so long as it is a standard? These are my expectations for Library-Components and they seem to be applied in some libraries but there is no ‘Resistors’ Library, for example, and what is the ‘Device’ library about as it contains all sorts of different Component types?
Without being rude, can anyone comment on my thoughts in a way that would allow me to become more familiar with KiCad and, perhaps, my ‘Data’ skills could benefit you in some way?