Stable version 7.0.10-rc1 available

A release candidate for version 7.0.10 is available for testing. 7.0.10 will be released soon unless critical issues are found in testing this release candidate.

You can obtain the release candidate for your platform here:

You can see a list of closed issues in this release here: Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab


@craftyjon So far so good on MacOS M1

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Same here with Windows 11. I put this RC though my full design flow and compared various outputs to stable 7.0.8 outputs (hadn’t updated to 7.0.9 yet).

All good!

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What is the best way to upgrade/try this release?

I have custom libraries setup using Preferences->Configure Path/Symbol Libraries/Footprint Libraries (3rd_party, user_library) and would like to not set up the paths again.

Sorry, I always seem to forget this info. and searching doesn’t provide a clear answer.

If you are already using V7, any local library path error is a bug.
Obviously the supplied libraries will get overwritten if you do a full update. This is why you should never modify these.