Square vias?

Hi, there was an old (closed) thread in 2020 about the possibility to have/use square vias in Kicad (Change via shape (square, octagonal); maybe the newer versions offer this chance…
My problem is: I have to design a 6-layers board for a ceramic thick film process, where the connections from one layer to another are made by overlapping the tracks using a square hole that (as you know) it is not drilled, but directly formed by an aperture in the dielectric between the tracks and filled with metal.
A collegue of mine suggested to use square test points over the Kicad round vias, but:

  1. I do not know if it is possible for the test point to go “squarely” to the inner layer;
  2. I have hundreds of vias, also blind and buried, so the process could be very tedious (and probably prones to errors);
  3. I am not sure what the DRC will do if it find a round vias overlapped by a square test point (with square inner layers).
    Any hints?

Just out of curiosity (I don’t know anything about this process): why do the apertures have to be square? And the track ends are round anyways [in KiCAD].

Besides that the easiest way would be maybe to write a script which adds square apertures at all via locations/connected layers.

Hi ekoeck, thank you for your reply. I am not an expert of thick film deposition; we are using this process becuase in our project we need a support (ceramic board) to hold a BIG silicon sensor (they have a very similar CTE that allow low temperature operation).
I do not really know why the vias in that process need to be square; I think they want to maximize the overlapped area between traces, so the tracks are also bigger where they are overlapped.
I never used a script in Kicad, only the usual layout GUI. Is there a tutorial somewhere?

You can with v9, hopefully formally released in the coming weeks

That is about pads, not vias.

Vias in KiCad are always circular. In V9 the circles can have different diameters on different layers. Supporting non-circular shapes for vias is more complex than for pads and since there wasn’t a clear demand for it, I didn’t spend the time on it.

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I did wonder if the OP @Temistocle was talking about vias (the hole) or via pads . . . I assumed pads in the end, especially bearing in mind the link posted was also talking about pads :wink:

Oh yes :frowning:
Still unsure why you would want this but well, vias are very small :slight_smile:

There is some information in the official documentation. Besides that I just saw that there is a plugin in the plugin manager called “Oktizer Action Plugin” which supposedly can turn your vias into octagons (haven’t tried it, though). Well since it is only a Python script you can edit on your own this maybe is already 90% of the work and you only have to modify the source code to change the vias into squares instead.

Thank you to everybody, I will try the ekoeck last post suggestion, but my programming skills are very low… Thanks again!

You could always reach out to the maintainer of the plugin and ask them if they would consider adding this feature to the plugin as well. Maybe you are lucky :wink:

That’s a good hint: I would like to PM mgyger (Markus Gyger) here, but I cannot… maybe I am too newbie to have the right permissions.
I can try on Gitlab, but I am not a member, so I do not want to start a “fake” project there only to contact Markus. But it could be the last chance…

If you do a @mgyger he should get a notification . . .

For everyone interested in sqare holes (and later maybe square vias) I want to point out this existing gitlab issue: wish: Pcbnew: rectangular hole (#4123) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab
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Sorry my ignorance RaptorUK, but where I can do a “@mgyger”? It will be the first conversetion for me…

You just did it . . as did I earlier. Just adding the @ before the users name should send a notification as long as that user doesn’t have notifications turned off. for example @Temistocle

Ooops, I did not know…
Anyway, if I find a solution to convert/have square vias, I will post it here

KiCad has no native way for making a square via hole (actually it also assumes the via annular ring is also circular, but I think you are talking functionally about the hole, right?). This is a fair bit outside the normal scope of KiCad - additive manufacturing has quite different constraints and capabilities to “normal” PCB manufacture.

However, you may be able to post process it so that it does work. Exactly what you need is very strongly dependent on your tooling (e.g. does it accept Gerbers or what?)

For example, you may be able to handle it by using a board with layers between each “real” layer that represent the dielectric layers (you will need to designate one as ‘dummy’, since you have n copper layers and n-1 dielectric layers, but KiCad can only handle even layer counts). Here is a 6-layer board, using blind/buried vias to connect only specific layer ranges, which is used to demo a 3-layer board with extra layers between them. Ignore the via barrel which represents the drill (which you, I think, don’t need) and focus on the annular rings:


Then, use (or abuse) the fact that all the via annular rings of the same size on the fake dielectric layers should come out as one Gerber D-code - D10 here for the 0.6mm vias I used, but that will vary:


Look in the gerber file for one of the “dielectric” layers. Via “pads” are specifically called out in Gerber files, so they’re easy to find:


C means a circular aperture. Change that to a 1x1mm rectangular one:

%ADD10R, 1.0X1.0*%

So, by carefully controlling your via sizes, it should be possible to insert a square conductor at each via location by replacing the apertures. You can use specific via sizes to tell your replacement process what size the square should be.

You can also make polygonal apertures in case you wanted to handle oblique-crossing tracks (not only are round vias easy to drill, but they handle that automatically!). This is a bit more complex (search keyword: Aperture Macro).

Another approach might be similar, but you post-process the KiCad PCB file itself and replace your vias with polygons of copper on intermediate layers as needed, and then plot that to your output formats:


(note there’s a gap where the “dummy” layer is - it’s up to you if you include it or not).

You might well be able to do this with a plugin like Oktizer (changing the PCB live in KiCad), but I suspect a post-process step may be easier to control precisely and will have fewer moving parts for a reproducible output pipeline for your exact use case.

Hi johnbeard, thank you for your interesting suggestion!
So there are at least two ways to “square” the round vias, I still have to think which is the better one… I will write the results of my tests here, stay tuned!