I’m new to Kicad and schematics design in general and I’m still trying to learn how everything works, but I’ve already dealt with Orcad solutions before, I use Orcad at university’s courses so that I can simulate the circuits I’m studying in PSpice I’m able to achieve what I want. But… I think We would be better using FOSS projects like Kicad and ngspice than using proprietary software. Also it means that I have to dual boot or keep a windows virtual machine since I use Linux as my daily driver (currently doing it for other software but it would be nice if I can eliminate one more!).
I’m trying to design a circuit for analog signal conditioning (I hope that’s correctly said in english) of a sensor, resistive sensor. Linearization of the signal, amplification, elimination of common mode voltage, etc, into an ADC and play with it under a digital environment.
Since I’m working with a variable resistor (the sensor) I want to plot the variation of the output voltage relative to the resistor variation (with a constant input voltage).
Lets just image, for example that we have just a simple 5V DC voltage source with an RL load and I want to make that resistor get values from 10ohm to 1mega and probe the output voltage.
Using the simulator in Eeschema I’m able to plot the voltage as time progresses, and using the tune tool, change the resistor values, get voltage minimums, maximums and values in between, but not the actual curve or line of the variation.
I’ve tried the ngspice manual, but found no luck there, haven’t found any parameter to give a range of values for passive components.
I know how to easily do it in PSpice, and I know Kicad integrated simulation isn’t a solid feature yet, but I don’t assume this is the problem… I’m just missing something or making a huge mess.
Hope someone can give a hand
Best regards