Options are plane minimum sane

  • —enable-xspice
  • —enable-cider
  • —disable-debug
  • —enable-xgraph
  • —with-readline=yes

But whatever options used this is “C” not C++
and overloading will not work

If this source is being included in compilation chances are
that this one is prevailing whatever the other.

No matter the options or the cause the code should
not have this call anymore. Just the plain updated correct one.


  • I have commented OUT that lost piece of code…
  • Recompiled the source from PSPICE branch ALL EQUAL
  • With some TEST POINTS inserted like

    char behaviour[80] = "ps";

    if (cp_getvar("ngbehavior", CP_STRING, behaviour)) {
    	printf("TEST POINT 0: %s\n",behaviour);
        if ( strcasecmp(behaviour, "all"   ) == 0) { printf("TEST POINT 1: %s\n",behaviour); return COMPATMODE_ALL; }
        if ( strcasecmp(behaviour, "hs"    ) == 0) { printf("TEST POINT 2: %s\n",behaviour); return COMPATMODE_HS; }
        if ( strcasecmp(behaviour, "ps"    ) == 0) { printf("TEST POINT 3: %s\n",behaviour); return COMPATMODE_PS; }
        if ( strcasecmp(behaviour, "spice3") == 0) { printf("TEST POINT 4: %s\n",behaviour); return COMPATMODE_SPICE3; }

    printf("TEST POINT 5: %s\n",behaviour); 
    return COMPATMODE_ALL;



Still looking some clue where it may be falling back to “all”
even though initialized with “ps” and already RID from that call


Problem solved.

After removing the lost call and recompiling with conservative
debugging options the va_struct_list arguments matched

Should be fine without that lost call using -O2


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Now that things are working smooth…

Some new bits to tune in the DIAC PSPICE lib…

UNRECOGNIZED PARAMS which may be mapped or implemented
in the DIAC models are:

… and BTW … if you are wondering if that is working in KiCAD

YES. With that proper initialization and compile time parameters
the library is perfect in PSPICE mode as well

TYPO the missing parameter is indeed tbv1


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Now that things seem to be worked out, we do have a thread in the FAQ about using ngspice. You might consider making a summary post there. It would be OK to point to this thread also to save some work on that. It may be better to start a new thread. I’m not sure.


I am so glad you guys are figuring all this out, because, boy did I have problems lately with ngspice. I now understand from the thread that the development of the internals of the different spice’s have diverged in more ways than I knew.
I hope you can figure it out, but I am afraid there is little I can offer to help.

Thanks for getting some order in all this.

I am not sure either.

From my start issue this single post managed to converge
several already ongoing other issues.

They are indeed converging…
Question is - how to integrate these 2 ngspice branches
into a new solid release where PSPICE and LTSPICE (vdmos)
are already supported by default

The topic root is another issue that seems to be
more properly attached to “SYMBOLS”

as from this simple panorama of convergence of things…


indeed pins vary widely from one manufac. to another
even for the same device type

that’s where the pin order entry comes in…
just reorder where necessary.

Another question that will certainly arise soon or later
is the LOCATION of these models. And the proper LICENSE(s).


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ngspice-28 will contain both VDMOS and PSPICE compatible loading of device libraries.

There is a ngspice branch with both items available just for testing (branch pre-master+5 at https://sourceforge.net/p/ngspice/ngspice/ci/pre-master+5/tree/)



I had few spare time to test extensively …

But the tests I have made with my circuits ALL 100% OK
Prior of having this PSPICE compat I was using
.include “myFUNCTIONS”

Removed that and ALL PSPICE seems fine.
Some parameters still not recognized here and there
but mostly part of specific models.

Please don’t forget to GET RID of that lost duplicated call in <nghelp.c>

cp_getvar(char *n, enum cp_types type, void *r)
    return (FALSE);

There is no point of having this call any more.
I will find some time to pass this release …

Looking forward to it

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ngspice with VDMOS model and PSPICE device library support is coming closer.

Info is availabe at https://sourceforge.net/p/ngspice/discussion/ngspice-tips/thread/7838169b/

Windows 64 bit executables (including dll), drawn from the master branch sources, are available from http://ngspice.sourceforge.net/download.html.


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I think is almost there already …

This BOOSTER runs perfectly BUT
i have to manually define the VDMOS model in KiCAD

The SPICE MODEL dialog is missing the logic to
recognize the VDMOS entries in the source file

Apart that … it runs perfectly
latest CVS downloaded today as pre9
compiled fine and runs perfectly…

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No problem reading the LTSPICE <standard.mos>
directly on console… runs perfectly…

can choose ANY VDMOS or MOS defined device…

works great!!!


I have the first issue with a standard SPICE3 draft.

This examples runs fine WITHOUT PSPICE compat.

But WITH compat ennabled it generates the following error:

Error on line 308 :
  as1 %vd(vsw 0 ) %gd(q1c 0 ) arelaysw
 MIF-ERROR - unable to find definition of model arelaysw

From spice source


A bug fix is uploaded to the ngspice master branch


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Another update to the ngspice master branch (and the MS Windows executables for download):

things became too complex, so there is now a re-write of the vswitch transformation code, dealing with multiple models within subcircuits and top level, and instances calling the models, in a mix of standard ngspice switches and PSPICE vswitches.


For the sake of organizing the results …

  • What version should I keep my tests with?
  • pre-master9 ? master ? or else …


Please move on with the ‘master’ branch.


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OK some more test results…

Here is a thing:

  • regarding latest changes in <src/frontend/inpcom.c>
  • traced a segfault that boils down to MODEL VSWITCH
  • Just that part - all other changes are fine
  • Note the detail - IT IS NOT a recursive .include directive
  • SEGFAULT when finding a VSWITCH model included from other source


  • MASTER <*cir> file (eg analysis) includes a SLAVE <*cir>
  • SLAVE <*cir> defines models and sources (including VSWITCH)

Now single file does not include any file w/VSWITCH

  • MASTER <*cir> file (eg analysis) is single includes all sources
  • RESULT WORKS PERFECT even including VSWITCH model - perfect

Could not figure out a PATCH without removing the bottom part
of function pspice_compat

Reverting that part to the lastest pre9 works fine
but that previous error is still there.
