Specifying track current on schematic

For KiCAD 6.0, is there a way to specify current carrying requirements at the schematic capture level?
Or is that all done in the PCB editor?
I have a requirement for some tracks to carry 5A for a servo motor.

You can set up net classes in: Schematic Editor / File / Schematic Setup / Project / Net Classes and you can also adjust the wire thickness and color for those nets in the schematic, but the actual assignment of the net names to the wires is done by naming them with labels.

In the PCB Editor you can setup rules for track width and clearance on a netclass level in: PCB Editor / File / Board Setup / Design Rules / Net Classes.

So you do not set up a “current handling capability”, but you have to define the track width yourself, but the “Calculator Tools” in the Project manager has a tab page for estimating needed track width depending on inner/outer layer and copper thickness.

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