I’m beginner at Kicad6 and designing a new board,
I would like to make a special plated shape but don’t fount how to do it.
Here is the shape.
I’ve tried to make a new footprint but the hole is only round or ellipse.
the pad shape is good with primitive but I would like to have the same shape with the hole…
There is a way but you need to play around with the raw files
However… Do you really want/need this? Think about how it will be fabricated and considering the fabricators use drill bits and milling bits.
If you could make the long part an obround connected to a circle you have a better change of having something a fabricator would build
I, and several other users have posted tut’s and info on making these and similar shaped pads. Pretty simple to do and, it’s also pretty simple to search and review the posts to find the post that helps you…
Several ways to do it - this simple approach avoids fussing
Create Footprint
Add Two Pads to it
Set one to Circular (set pad and hole sizes)
Set the other one to Rounded Rectangle (set pad and hole sizes)
Overlay them and position as needed
Change the Numbers to be the Same
I have Googled and Youtubed it, I must admit that as google didn’t propose me anything I haven’t made a correct search on the forum, I’m sorry about that.
Concerning your solution, the result seems perfect !
Thank you very much for your help and your reactivity !