My intial thoughts were to have a special forum section just for Experts; but then it became obvoius that figuring out who is an expert might be difficult to quantify.
On the flip side, an individual with a low post count on the forum, could be an actual Expert in the field of EDA but not KiCad specifically.
KiCad, being FOSS, is available to literaly anyone/everyone with a computer. Posts come up that make it appear that the OP either just came from Fritzing or has downgraded to KiCad stable.
I get enjoyment in providing replies to OP Topics where it seems to be clear the type of advice that is being asked.
I’ve read comments like “I’m not game to post on that forum” from obviously “new to electronics” people on other sites.
I suppose if victims post on a beginners section, forum members might be “more tolerant” towards them.