[Solved] What's the best way for placing parts with empty REF*** like the Symbols?

On PCBs I place some symbol like
CE or the WEEE etc.

They have empty REF***

When I run DRC, it detects them as duplicate.

Ok I normally ignore this BUT when I update the PCB with changes made in the schematics, if I don’t pay attention to uncheck the checkbox, these symbols are removed.

Is there another way to avoid this and to keep the symbols, I mean: preventing involuntary removing actions …

Thank you.

Put them in the schematic also and assign them a unique ref like any other component. Like what I do with mounting holes, mine have refs H1, H2, and so forth.

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Is there another way to avoid this and to keep the symbols, I mean: preventing involuntary removing actions …

  • doubleclick the footprint-logos to get the footprint properties dialog
  • change the Reference designator to some unique string like “LOGO12389125379276329273273892382782” to get rid of the drc-warning “duplicate footprints”
  • set the checkbox “not in schematic” to avoid:
    • the drc-warning “extra footprint”
    • and the deletion at the next “update pcb from schematic”-action

edit: with v7 you could also use the properties panel on the left of the board-editor. This allows to bulk-edit the “not in schematic”-checkbox

EDIT nr.2:
for “not in schematic”-footprints the Reference designator is not important (and not checked in the drc). So you can omit my first step.


Thank you a lot to both of you

it worked super with the left side stuff … I never use dit because it was hidden and I never paid attention. Now I keep it constantly open.

Initially I have made a mistake: I selected the wrong component and it was not working of course :-p then I spotted the error I’ve made and it worked out splendidly


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