Solved - Unexpected Wire in Pcbnew

There is an odd white line coming off J1 connector.

(net (code 43) (name /MD0_VIN+)
(node (ref U4) (pin 15))
(node (ref J1) (pin 3))
(node (ref R11) (pin 1))
(node (ref U3) (pin 15)))

The DRC finishes without an error

Try to attach your kicad_pcb file.

Nickoe, “Try to attach… kicap_pcb file”…

I do not understand what this means? Verynew to using Kicad & Pcbnew.

That line shows that J1 pin 3 is not connected with anything.
Why DRC reports no error I don’t know.
I have just reported that DRC don’t reports a bug when Solder mask width is smaller then the minimum set in Board Setup (pre 5.1.6).
May be DRC stopped to report any error :slight_smile:

Have a close look at the copper plane. It is interrupted between the LED pads. Either move the LEDs apart, reduce their pad size or change the zones min width or clearance settings to allow it to connect

You can drag-drop the files at message you are writing here. I tried it with png screen-shots but it should be also possible with kicad_pcb or zip file.

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One more.
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Draw a trace between Pin1 of R11 and Pin 3 of J1. Those are not connected because LED4 and LED block the path of the copper pour.

The DRC check has 2 tabs.
The left tab shows “Problems / Markers”

While the other tab shows “Unconnected Items”

For ease of assembly it is preferable to have all polarized components in the same direction. My solution would be to rotate the top 3 leds for 90 degrees and give them the same orientation as the 4th led, and will leave enough clearance between the pins for the zone to flow and connect to the rest.

This orientation thing is handy for all polarized components such as diodes and electrolytic capacitors. It makes it much easier to do visual inspections.

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you are correct… I just clicked the List UnConnected. I shows J1 pin 3 is unconnected. But it is connected to the plane.


It is connected only to part of plane. Plane is broken.
You have been told about that:

There are gaps in the red circles.

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You must connect the red part to the brown part.


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Yes… I see what is going on!


@paulvdh gives you some sage advice about rotating the LEDs so they are all in the same orientation. It is easier to avoid assembly errors if groups of polarized components are oriented the same.

A side effect of rotating LED2, LED3, and LED4 to match the orientation of LED6(?) is there will be space between LED3 and LED4 to allow the copper pours to connect and complete your MD0_VIN+ net. Nifty how in your case a slight relayout for DFM (design for manufacture) should solve your reported problem. :sunglasses:

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I’m not new to PCBs but very new to actually laying them out and routing. Sort of like solving a puzzle. I’ll look it over today and work on these improvements. I agree with keeping certain components aligned to avoid assembly errors. I’m just very glad to get to this point in the process.

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