[Solved] Unable To Remove Rats Nest

I found an easier route for a trace and made it. When I deleted the old trace, a white line appears between an empty place on the PCB and any component labelled GND.

I am unable to remove it and the Design Rules Check flags it as unconnected.

It is not on the schematic! I updated Net List, I’ve refreshed, reloaded, rebooted (lol)

How do I get rid of this?



Not sure what is going on there…but sometimes a ratsnest line ending (seemingly nowhere) happens when KiCad wants you to connect to something on a layer which is not presently visible.

Try turning on all of your layers (does not need to be simultaneously) and see if that ratsnest is connecting to something presently hidden.

If you zoom in further you ought to see more net names on the tracks. Sometimes I like to add net labels to my schematic because I dislike labels such as “C27 pin 2” for example.

Sorry, I forgot to add what it is complaining about -

Unconnected Items

@(-268.141 mm, -975.717 mm): Zone Outline [GND] on B.Cu
@(-273.978 mm, -979.170 mm): Pad 2 of C3 on F.Cu and others.

C3 is not a through hole, but the trace used to be connected to something with through-hole, if that makes sense…

I will check layers.


Turned off layers… Turned on one at a time but nothing leaped out.


Hi Eddiie,
Have you connected pin 6 to an earth on the board, or have you disconnected pin 6 from earth on your schematic then updated your board?

I have done that in testing trying to fix it but no.

I think I fingered it out!

Referring to the first screenshot, If I set the properties on Pin 6 on that connector to SOLID,

Then the issue goes away.

I think what it is trying to tell me is that there is not enough surface for the fill to cover the ground pin…

Here is what it looks like when the pin is set to SOLID.

Here is what it looks like when the pin is set to “From Parent Footprint”…

I think it is trying to save me!

It seems you have a copper fill (GND I presume). Try to update the copper fill with “B” Hotkey, then the errand white remainder line of the ratsnest should go away

Usually that happens (update copper fill) but not this time. I just tried it.

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