Running v7.0.8 - this was working a earlier today but I must have pressed some key to disable this but can’t work out how to re-enable.
If I try and place a track from say GND pad (bottom left) to the GND pad 12 the track would automatically route itself and avoid the pads it’s not supposed to connect to.
Some key had disabled this now and it’s routing through all the pads. Only 20 and 12 are GND)
I looked through hotkey list and only one connected with it I found ‘Ctrl+<’ to open Interactive Router Settings. It is in hotkey-list and also at picture showed by @dsa-t .
I have tried it (Windows 10, KiCad 7.0.8) and ‘Ctrl+<’ opens Preferences dialog box and not Interactive Router Settings.
So if that hotkey does different thing that it is expected to do than may be there is another hotkey that is not listed but switches you directly to Highlight Mode and it happened you used it.
Actually I think I know why its happening. I’ve been right clicking and dragging the PCB around a lot while working. So right click drag to edge, release right click, then repeat right click/release to move around.
If you right click on “route tracks” icon, and then also right click on the options they are selected. I must have been selecting this with all the right clicking.
Would have thought only a left click on the options would select it.