[SOLVED] PCBNew exporting .STEP doesn't export components


I wanted to export my PCB in .STEP to be able to import it in FreeCAD.
But what I got is that, it doesn’t export the VRML of the 3D components. It returns errors. But “per se” the PCB is fine, I even build one physically. Where do I wrong?

EDIT exporting it in VRML, instead, it works

check the “substitute similarly named models” box in the STEP export dialog.

In KiCad’s official library, models are provided in both STEP and WRL format. Footprints call out the WRL model, and as you can see WRL models can’t be exported to STEP. Checking that box will substitute the WRL filename with the STEP filename if a matching STEP file exists.


Great, thanks a zillion. It worked.

With the export of VRML it worked also but size is not correct. It’s microscopic (under 1/10th of mm)

With the .STEP export + your suggestion, everything is fine

My guess is that if you change the output units in the VRML export dialog you will get something that is more reasonably sized. KLC says KiCad uses a scale of one VRML unit = 0.001in, so I would start there and see what that gets you.

But if you’re doing anything mechanical, use step anyway.

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