I’ve read the rather anemic documentation on using Templates in KiCAD (http://docs.kicad.org/en/kicad.html#_using_templates) and used that to create what I thought should be a workable template but alas, its not doing what I would expect, based on those documents.
I’m hoping someone with experience using them can point out what I’m doing wrong or explain why what I’m trying to do isn’t work or that it shouldn’t work the way I think it does.
I want to create a template incorporating fab design rules so I don’t have to keep entering them in. So, I created a new folder under the kicad/share/kicad/template folder - lets call it “Fab” for argument - and in that folder created a “meta” folder within which I created an info.html and a icon.png file. I also saved a PCB file I’d created that has the preference set within it I need to that directory and called it “Fab.kicad_pcb”.
My expectation is that upon opening KiCAD and selecting create project from template, once I choose that template, it should create a new project file with a new .sch file and a copy of the Fab.kicad_pcb file which has the name of the new project instead of “Fab”.
I see my template in the template selection screen, including the icon and the info.html content, but what I get in the new project is a Eescheme and Kicad_pcb file right next to one called “Fab.kicad_pcb”. When I open the new pcb file, none of my settings are there.
I’m assuming that I’ve missed something but I don’t know what. Can anyone help?