I have accidentally copy+pasted a GND via onto this DOUT line. Is there a way to have DRC catch this?
Please post your KiCad version.
Something is very wrong if DRC does not catch this
edit: trying with 7.0.2 on Ubuntu 23.04, the pasted via picks up the net of the net it is placed on, so no error
Unless “Automatically update via nets” is unchecked in the properties of the via to be copied.
Good catch. Otherwise it’s extremely difficult to get KiCad to keep the wrong net. The only way I found was to change it in the Properties Manager (v7.99). But in every case KiCad should handle this as a DRC error, and does it for me. There must be some bug somewhere or something we can’t see from the screenshot. Could you, tlietz, attach the zipped project here, or strip the layout down to a minimum which shows this and then zip the project?
I didn’t know about that one. Tried it and kept the via as GND.
This causes DRC errors on my 7.0.2
Sure, does here (Win11) as well with both 7.99 and 7.0.2.
Without the (stripped down) project I see no chance to help.
Also note that violation severities set to “ignore” (=suppressed tests) are listed in the DRC window’s “Ignored tests” tab.
It turns out that this error happens only when a via that was generated by the 3rd party via stitching action plugin is copy+pasted. If a via is placed with the standard PCBNEW icon, or copy+pasted from a normally placed via, it does indeed pick up the net that it’s placed on.
I’m using Kicad 7.0.0 with macOS Darwin 22.1.0. Here is a demonstration of the “bug” happening:
Here is a zip file of the project in case anybody wants to look more into it. However, I consider this issue solved for my usecase.
RP2040-2023-05-06_011206.zip (866.6 KB)
I marked it “Solved” in the title.
I will experiment with this later. DRC should not ignore this even if the Via Stitching plugin was involved
Opening the project I find that clearance violations are ignored in DRC. Turn that on and the via is flagged as actual 0.0000 mm
Another showcase for why an attached project is more efficient in problem solving than back and forth questions and partial answers.
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