[SOLVED] How does KiCAD decide which net label to use in PCB?

Just curious how KiCad decides which net name label to display in layout when a net has two names in schematic?

I have two sheets that have UART buses and one is named labeled UART8 and the other is named labeled UART-ESP and KiCad is calling the pins UART-ESP.XX in Layout.





I hope that each net would have only one (1) name.

Less important is that labels should give net a name. If a net has several labels, they should have same name.

If remember well I have seen the schematic where someone:

  • at one sheet gave the nets names according to microcontroller port names,
  • at other sheet there were crossing from that names to assigned (in that PCB) functions to each pin (two different labels at one wire going from one bus to second),
  • at other sheets with peripherals only the second net names were used.

Even I don’t use that way I see the logic behind it. Why to not allow for it? The best software is such that don’t knows better then me what I want.

I incorrectly was calling the net label the net name. @eelik provided the link that answered my question. Based on the documentation since the labels in question are at the same level then the ‘-’ <ASCII 0x2D> in USART-ESP is less than ‘8’ 0x38> in USART8 explains why the USART-ESP label was chosen due to the alphabetically clause (assuming that what the software is really doing is ASCIIbetically or UNICODEabetically).


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