I am using KiCAD 4.0.7 with freerouting tool. I have designed a small circuit and in pcbnew I have placed my components. I choose freerouting to automatically route all tracks.
Is it possible to avoid routing tracks under the footprint?. I just want tracks around footprint of the components.
Have you tried using a keepout zone? I think the general view on this forum is that you can usually do a much better job with the push & shove router and there is limited enthusiasm for autorouting. The direct autorouter button has even been removed in the latest nightly versions.
Thank you for your reply.
After posting this question, I found a keepout zone option but I couldn’t find the option to delete this thread . I have started working with KiCAD yesterday so I have to explore some of its options. Additionally, I am using KiCAD for research purpose (layout optimization) where I am currently checking the capability of the autorouter to route complex layout with minimum number of layers. My target is to further optimize the routing scheme suggested by the autorouter.
BTW what is push & shove router? I have usually worked with custom layout designs and I have never heard this term .
Better to respond to yourself with your solution and change the subject to include “Solved”. That way when someone else has the same issue that you had searches the forums they will have the benefit of your experience.
It is a powerful way of the computer to help you when manually routing. It think it is available in 4.0.7, in the OpenGL canvas (and should also be in Cairo canvas). See this page on the KiCad-pcb website for a quick video introduction to the push and shove router.
As with any technique, push and shove isn’t a panacea for routing woes. Sometimes it seems to do odd things, especially in its early incarnations in 4.0.7. But it really can help, especially when trying to route those last couple traces that you don’t think will fit.
What does that even mean? I wouldn’t recommend using an auto-router for anything but the most trivial of circuits and even then it’s probably just as quick to route it manually.
I have usually worked with analog design in CMOS technologies (40nm to 240nm). I used to route everything manually. Now for research purpose, I am using the PCB design tool for analog design automation. I am using auto-router because the technology I am working on currently has only 1 routing layer and the auto-router or manually routing may work for designs with as few as 20 transistors. What happens if you have 100 transistors with and you have to route with a single layer ?. This is where I would like to propose solution. This technology has no concept of Via as well. We have something similar to Via but it is very difficult to fabricate it (and hence costly).