Hi, I am using KiCad 7.0. I am not able to highlight traces when I select a net in the schematic. How to enable cross probing in KiCad ?
If I select a component in the schematic then it highlight in the layout that works. But if I select a net in the schematic then I don’t see the trace highlighted in the layout. How to fix the issue ?
First we have to distinguish between selecting and highlighting:
- selecting: a selection contains single or multiple items, from the same or different type. The selection is visually accentuated as long as the selection is active. All following commands are working on this selection.
- highlighting: this is only a visually action. It’s possible to highlight wires+busses (in schematic editor) and tracks with connected pads (in pcb editor). Highlighting is independeant from a selection and remains until it’s cleared or something else is highlighted.
- both actions have different commands
Cross-probing selections works only for symbols <–> footprints. It’s not possible to cross-select nets/tracks between schematic <–> board (both directions). (note as restriction: it’s not possible to cross-select items from different schematic subsheets)
Cross highlighting is available for nets<–>tracks between schematic <–> board (both directions).
All cross-functions must be enabled in the global Preferences:
- Preferences–>Schematic Editor–>Display options–>Cross probing
- and Preferences–>PCB-Editor–>Display options–>Cross probing
Cross highlighting works for nets+tracks.
This is not working. I have enabled cross-functions in the settings but it does not work for nets/tracks.
How do we select a net in the schematic. Just by left mouse button, right ? I tried single click and double click but nothing highlights in the layout.
Selecting is indeed done by single left mouse click. If you select a schematic symbol, you should see the corresponding layout footprint selected.
Highlighting is done with a right click (context menu) action or with the ` “backtick” key. On US English keyboards, this key normally is directly to the left of the 1 key. Highlighting should work in either schematic or layout and cross-highlight (since you have that setting enabled). The docs below has a little more info, though you have to scroll down to the Net Highlighting heading.
Selecting component works in both directions by a single left click on the component.
How do I highlight net/track ?
I tried single left click on a net in the schematic, that does not highlight the track in the layout.
I also tried double left click on a net in the schematic, that also does not work.
Kindly let me know where should I click to highlight the corresponding track in the layout ? Thanks in advance.
From the post you just read. In the schematic editor there is an additional option in the form of the net highlight tool in the tool bar (same effect, different way to activate it). See Schematic Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad for more details.
Kindly let me know where should I click to highlight the corresponding track in the layout
There are several ways for highlighting. This is my personal workflow:
- schematic:
- the standard hotkey “backtick” works only well on US-keyboards, so assign your own key
- Preferences–>hotkeys–>Schematic Editor–>“highlight net”: assign your preferred hotkey (I use “2”)
- now hover iwth mousepointer over any net → press “2” → net is highlighted
- board:
- Preferences–>pcb editor–>Editing options–>modifier keys–> enable “CTRL-key action == highlight net (for pads or tracks”
- now you can highlight with CTRL+leftclick in the pcb editor
note also: there are two good manuals available for schematic and pcb editor (https://docs.kicad.org/). Both websites cover the highlight-command.
You can also use the highlighting button in the upper right corner of the Schematic Editor:
Yes, I can highlight nets in schematic provided the second option in the right tool bar “highlight wires and pin of nets” is selected.
I can also highlight the track in PCB editor by CTRL key and left mouse button.
The option “Highlight cross-probed nets” is enabled in the Display Options section of the Preferences dialog".
But cross probing does not work. I mean if I highlight a net in the schematic it does not highlight the track in the PCB editor and also the other way around it does not work.
But cross probing does not work
I’m running out of wise ideas, and there is only some desperate guesswork remaining:
- which kicad version exactly do you use? updated to latest v7.0.7?
- which operating system do you use? a supported OS or some unsupported?
- do you have both cross-probe checkboxes enabled (preferences schematic + preferences
pcb)? Your picture above shows only the pcb-settings. - do you have opened a real kicad project with pcb+schematic from the main kicad manager window? cross-probing will not work with the standalone versions.
- Are pcb+schematic completely synchronized (update pcb from schematic)? cross-probing on un-synchronized files may give unexpected results.
- Are you using a single/multi-monitor setup?
- How do you switch between schematic window <–>pcb-window?
- Have you tried by placing both windows on the same monitor side by side, both windows open simultaneously?
- Are you using a custom color scheme or the kicad standard colors? (both on pcb+schematic editor)
- Do you use the accelerated graphics (OpenGL) or the fallback graphics rendering?
- Have you checked with the 3 different display modes in the pcb-editor (normal, dimmed, hided display)? (highlighting should work with all 3 modes, but who knows)
- And there is always the chance you discovered a bug. But to discover the source it’s always needed that the behaviour can be reproduced by one of the developers, so the circumstances of the “cross highlighting doesn’t works” need to be determined.
Please supply your system details.
Open Kicad, go to Help > About Kicad > Copy Version Info (top right hand corner), then paste into a post on this forum.
Please also supply the language you are using plus answers to all the above questions from @mf_ibfeew
- Latest v7.0.7
- Windows 10
- I have enabled cross-probe checkboxes in display options (preferences schematic + PCB Editor)
- I have opened a real kicad project from .kicad_pro file and then pcb+schematic from the main kicad manager window
- I am not sure if pcb+schematic are completely synchronized. How to update pcb from schematic ?
- I am using a two monitors monitor.
- I switch between schematic window and pcb-window using project navigator window.
- Yes, I have tried placing both windows side by side.
- I am not using any custom color scheme in kicad.
- I don’t have accelerated graphics (OpenGL) or the fallback graphics.
- I have not tried 3 different display modes.
(And I have to add some *&^%$#@! because this *&^%$#@! forum software is a afraid of “empty posts” sigh.)
Thank you very much for help. I am glad it works at least from schematic to PCB layout. If I highlight a net in the schematic, it highlight the track on the PCB editor.
The other way not working. If I chose a track with CTRL and left mouse button in the PCB Editor, it highlight the whole track but I don’t see it on the schematic.
What language keyboard do you use?
I have English language set in the keyboard settings.
If you have this section ticked in both your PCB And Schematic Editors,
and you hover mouse over a track (PCB) or wire (Schema) then press the below key, the whole net in Schema and track in PCB will highlight.
Note, I’ve found first attempt sometimes doesn’t work. Second and further attempts always work.
EDIT: I tried six different English Keyboard layouts. All worked correctly.
Yes it works. Thanks.