[SOLVED] Clearance violation inside footprint

Hi, I have the following footprint where the complex polygon is placed on F.Cu. and the pads directly on the shape. It makes absolute sense that this produces clearance violations but is there some way to fix this or turn off the same-net clearance?

Since there are custom shape primitives in v6 it would be a nice feature to convert arbitrary polygons to pads, what do you think?


In the Footprint Editor

  1. Select a pad and a polygon.
  2. Right click mouse.
  3. Create pad from selected Shapes.
  4. Have fun.

[Edit] Oops. I missed this was for the nightlies. The above is for KiCad V5.1. gkeeths answer is for KiCad V5.99.

You should be able to make the custom shapes part of the pads. In the footprint editor, right click on pad 1, “Edit Pads as Graphic Shapes”, right click again, “Finish Pad Edit”. The right part of the button shape should now all be considered pad 1.

Then repeat process for pad2.

[Edit: these instructions are for 5.99]

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Wow, that was easier than expected. Thank you both. :slightly_smiling_face:

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