Solder resist

Am making my own PCBs with CNC.
Looking at online advice, I’m expecting to use dry film solder mask sheets rather than the liquid alternatives. (It’s a bit more involved but looks easier to get good results.)

Are all dry film solder mask sheets basically the same? Is there any subtlty in product type if youre just using the film as solder mask, rather than for Cu etching?

And advice seems to vary between proprietary solvents and just isopropyl alcohol for removing un-cured resist after the initial UV exosure. Any thoughts?

There are cheap-ish 5m rolls available from Ch-eBay, but my guess is they’re goung to be past their Best Before date long before ive used 5m. If I just want an A4 sheet, is this easy tp find (UK)? Am i searching for the wrong product type?

Note that this forum is about the KiCad software and not about PCB manufacturing details in general. It’s possible than some people here might be able to help you, but generally I’d say your question is pretty off-topic.

Try this forum in EEVBlog: Manufacturing & Assembly - Page 1

Also don’t confuse resist with soldermask. Resist is to resist etchant, soldermask is to repel solder. They may or may not have similar properties.

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Thanks for your input @Jonathan_Haas
I wasn’t sure whether it fitted better on the Manufaturing board (it is, after all, about Manufacturing, albeit 1st party not 3rd party) or the Projects board, but if the Mods want to move it, I have no problem with that.

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