So.. the cat jumped across my keyboard and

Yep, my son walked in the house with his dog, freaked out the cat who ran across the room, jumped on my lap, then the keyboard.

I was just finishing a pcb I’ve been working on, all the parts where I want them and all traces routed.
I was cleaning up silkscreen overlaps and such…
Cat hit something, my colors all changed, and my traces went to just outlines.
I think I fixed the colors by changing Layer Display Options from Dim to Normal?
But I can’t find a setting for the traces (in my regular CAD it would be “fill wide lines”).

Anybody got a clue what I’m looking for?

Oh, KiCad 6.0

was gonna add a screenshot, but I guess that is not an option?


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Left hand tool menu, there is an icon that looks like a cross: blue-red lines and the bottom-right side is outline


Ok, got it, and I see it has a shortcut key “K”, so I guess the cat hit the “K”…
So it sits there on a side menu, but I don’t see that in any drop-down menu?

And how did you do the screen shot, when I try to paste a screenshot I get this; EDIT: MY END JUST SHOWS JIBBERISH