SnapEDA - Invalid footprints being generated

I am not sure how to contact them but thought I’d post in the forum as I think some of their representatives sometimes come here.

I was trying to import this part into KiCad but it came up with an error message when trying to load it in the footprint editor:

Looking at the first 3 lines of the file generated by SnapEDA it was clear that they are not escaping the double quote (") character:

(module QTE-060-XX-XXX-D-A (layer F.Cu) (tedit 619E0327)
(descr "8mm (.0315") High Speed Terminal Strip")

.0315" needs to be saved as .0315\" (backslash before the special character)

I think @NatashaABaker was the contact person for SnapEDA around here.

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@Qbort I think that we use the funny escaping {dquote} instead of backslash

@Seth_h I tested by saving a footprint with a description containing a double quote character and it escaped it with backslash.

Are you thinking of escaping in netnames maybe?


I was. It was a silly assumption that we were using the same escaping in both places :blush:

On the contrary, it’s a silly assumption that one piece of software would use different escaping in different places. :smile:


Hello again Qbort!

Victor here from SnapEDA.

Thanks for flagging this issue. I have prio’d this with our software engineers and they’re going to make a quick fix to address it. It is indeed due to the inch " character in the description, which should be escaped.

You are already aware of this, but just so other users know, you can contact our support team in the following ways for a faster response:

  1. Chat bubble in the bottom right corner of the screen (you already did so)
  2. By emailing
  3. By submitting an issue on the part page where you downloaded. In this case, you already have done so, which kicked off the investigation on our side last week.

We’ll solve this ASAP and I’ll send another update here when it’s fixed.

Thanks once again for your patience and support!


Hello Qbort!

This is Carlos from the SnapEDA team, thanks for patiently waiting. Our team has solved the double quotes (") issue on the KiCad exporter, and these instances should be escaped on the footprint now.

Please reach back at if anything else is needed - We’d be glad to help!

Happy designing!


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