SMD Size chart for those of us who are spatially challenged

This really helps. Ive been always searching on internet, each time verifying smd. Now someone creates reference card.

Vias are typically measured by two values:

  • Some people like to use inner- & outer diameter.
  • Others prefer inner diameter and annular ring width.

You can substitute “people” in the above with “software”

Not sure what your point is. My goal was to five folks a scaled depiction of the things they may be using on their design but because they look so big on the screen they are often surprised when the receive the board.

Downloaded and looks very nice thanks. All that’s missing is the reference banana. :wink:


My point: it is unclear to the naked eye if the sizes given for vias are related to outer diameter or the inner diameter. Since you already included hole diameters elsewhere in the chart I would assume the former though.

My view; since it a scale comparison, if the naked eye cannot discern the difference, does it matter?

I agree the vias and holes appear somewhat redundant. They remained so the user (if there are any) will see the name “VIAS” and perhaps draw their eye to that area of the table and see the approximate actual size of the VIA they are about to add to their design.

Well okay, then let me put it this way:
when a user of your chart has identified the via size they want to use in their design then it would help a lot if they don’t have to guess which via property have to be adjusted in order to obtain the desired result.

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