SMD RGB LED footprint (5050)

Hi Community,

has someone a footprint for a 5050 smd LED with 6 pins?
i want to build a board with the APA102C intelligent Pixel LEDs.
in the ‘datasheet’ is no package information / footprint / landing pattern given. (it is more a ‘technical marketing overview’ than a datasheet)
as far as i know it is a 5050 housing.

iam can also build the footprint - but i have not found a reliable referenc pdf or image as example…
the last thing i can do now is get my caliper and try to ‘guess’ what can work as a footprint :wink:

someone a tip / link?

thanks for your help!

sunny greetings

thanks madworm :smile:

shortly before i have seen your reply i found a datasheet with land-pattern for an 5050 RGB LED at sparkfun :wink:
so i have made a new footprint -
if i get my board from the fab and have tested if all works fine i will commit it to the git libs and post a link here.
(hopefully it fits :wink: )
this will need some time (2-3Weeks i think)
sunny greetings

Hi Stefan,

If you can share the footprint file for the RGB 5050 it will be great.

I am making pcb with 5050 RGB in kicad i need them.



This took me 5 minutes… inclusive loading the PLCC-6 from the github repo to use as reference as I don’t have KLC compliant footprints myself.

[edited, now same as latest github] LED_RGB_5050-6.kicad_mod (1.9 KB)

Also submitted it to the github repo.

I look at the footprint during review … and if I didn’t missread the datasheet, the dimensions are a bit off. Please have a look at the discussion there ( before using it!


So, at first glance I see “5050” and “50x5.5 is 5060) and a Cree (single color?)” is 6050.

It looks to me like everyone is not on the same page.

Just checked the DS again - the dimension image is badly pixelated, I interpreted it as 5.00… otherwise 5050 wouldn’t make sense to me.
Even if the pins stick over the plastic package and cause 0.2 mm overhang on each side.

Annyhow, the critique is correct on the other stuff… just assumed the PLCC 6 was on latest KLC already, which it isn’t and I screwed up the vertical pin spacing.
I’ll rectify asap.

Before you submit, take a look here:

Maybe the REAL DataSheet???

The other DataSheet in this thread was “50x5.5”, or 5060; NOT 5050.

ON EDIT: It was my opinion that the vertical dimension on the 5055 DataSheet read 5060. However, it is very pixelated and you may well be correct.


so to me it seems that we might want 5050 and 5060.

To clear the mess up a bit: Please add a datasheet link to each footprint (in the description-field) … then it is clear against which DS to check the footprint.

I’ll keep the PR on my watchlist and review again, when changes are done (if necessary).


It’s the only other usable image I came across - didn’t check a distributor for 5050 housings though and probably wont.

PS: sorry for the wild pull-request - was my first :wink:

PPS: the automatic check waived it, should be alright now.

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I’m glad it wasn’t ME! LOL.

Best Guess So Far

Maybe this one:This one looks right… at the moment…

I had to go back, to see what was compatible. The above link is a 5050 part, and includes dimensions.

ON EDIT: WHAT A PITA! Ignore the errors in this post.

Adafruit link that confused me

May ship with either WS2812B or SK6812-based LEDs. They are the same brightness, color and protocol


Hi Joan

Great work thanks for your “5 min. effort” :slight_smile:
