SMD pad with fixing hole

Hi, I am trying to use an SMD pad on the front Cu for the tab of a horizontal TO-220 5 pin IC. I want to through pin it to get extra heat dissipation into the back Cu layer as part of the ground plane zone.

If I use a through hole pad for the pin, I get an typical connected 4 thermal relief leg to both grounds, but I would like to have a continuous ground below the pad, as metioned for heat sinking purposes.

If I select SMD then I cannot have a hole. If I select NPT I cannot assign a net to the pad.

Is there a better way than using the SMD pad (which is also ground) on the footprint than adding an NPT pad in the correct place after placing the footprint?
I can draw the spot onto the SMD pad in user drawings then place the NPT hole there, but it seems to be a bit clumsy.
Custom shape primitives has been suggested in one of the earlier responses to similar questions, but this function no longer seesm to exist in V8.0.5. The only options in Pad properties are: Through hole, SMD, Edge connector, NPT Mechanical or SMD Aperture. The None option has vanished.
Any ideas would be appreciated.

select zone, ‘e’ for properties, under pad connections select ‘solid’

NPTH is for mechanical holes only. They do not have copper. You have to use a THT pad combined with your SMT pad. This is also used extensively in KiCad’s own libraries, just search fro any footprint with the string “thermal” in it’s name.

And for the thermal spokes. There are at least three ways to set this behavior. You can set it in the zone properties, and it can be overridden either in the footprint properties for the whole footprint, or in pad properties for a single pad (Which is what Claudio.Lorini already mentioned).

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