Slow downloads for Testing

Anyone else facing 12 hour download times for Windows Testing Lite build? I used to get a download in a few minutes.
I may have undersea cable cuts to Europe again.


Someone also forgot to wind up the rubber band down here in Oz.

Download rate: 12khz. Estimated download time 6 hours (not including the 3D libraries).
Fail after 20seconds.
Only Kicad (htpps:// is the problem.

Note: launchpad is not related to KiCad, we can’t do anything about launchpad issues.


I realize that. I wasn’t concerned. I’m on pedal power internet at the best of times :frowning_face:

I was only replying to David and confirming “Houston has a problem”, not just he.

Well it might be a completely different problem, since Windows testing builds are hosted in a different place.

True, but they all probably travel along the one, or bunch, of cables, and from memory South Asia and Australia are on the same link.

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AARnet mirrors the Windows builds: AARNet Mirror maybe this is faster to places near Aus

Two major cables have been cut, so the direct path Asia to Europe is damaged. It looks like routing around the breaks via the US is not working

Yes, that is great for everything except Kicad on Linux.

All Linux program updates are on AARNet. AARNet is the Australian National University Host.

I’m still on copper out here in the sticks so stuck on about 600 kB/s. If I want a big download ie. a new Mint OS version; I go to my local library with a memory stick and download 2.5 gig in 14 seconds from AARNet for free. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks David.

Tomorrow is another day, and if not tomorrow, the day after. I’ll just miss a couple of 8.99s.
The joys of modern technology: great when it works.:roll_eyes:

I was at 1 day 23 hours last night, but managed to download today on my “300 Mbps” service. This is an ISP issue, not KiCad, so closing this thread.

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