Simulation Configuration (ngspice) version 4 of Kicad

I have searched for information on configuring eeschema to use npspice for simulation without any luck. If anyone can explain how to do this for windows it would be greatly appreciated.

I have downloaded ngspice and placed the executable and dll file in the Kicad install dir. When I enter ‘ngspice.exe’ as the command to use from the spice tab on the netlist dialog box and click the “Run simulator” button I get an error stating that the .cir is invalid.

Don’t know where to go now.

If you are using 4 then I’m assuming you are outputting the .cir from eeschema and then running it with ngspice and getting an error? If so, does it provide more details on what it doesn’t like in the file?

I’ve just started playing with the nightly builds which integrate the two. One problem I found is that Kicad version 4 doesn’t check for a lot of stuff. For one, if you use a battery it won’t recognize it as such because it begins with “b” and not “v”. Personally I’m just in the beginning of relearning what little I knew about spice some 20 years ago so I’ll be of limited help, but if you post the .cir file here perhaps you can get more help. I know @mifi has been working with this.

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I will do so when I return to work. In the mean time I will attempt it on my linux box and post the output


As @hermit mentioned, I have posted about this. If you use the search option on this forum, you will find posts that might be of help.