How can i list multiple selected net traces lengths in pcb?
For example while i am designing how can i see trace lengths in parallel interface nets for each trace?
Step 1;
To Select nets, from keyboard Click U, than click U again.
Step 2,
Right click, Show Selected nets length as list on pop up window.
The net inspector has a filter for net names, but apparently not for net classes. It is a bit of a missed opportunity to first go though the trouble of setting up net classes and assigning nets to them, and then not (yet) being able to show them as a collection in the net inspector.
I quite like the idea and think it is worth a feature request on gitlab.
I haven’t been in that code in years, but I hear it’s gotten quite crufty and is due for a rewrite. It’d be good to have a feature request in gitlab for when that day does arrive…