Habe einen möglichen Fehler gefunden. Die Schriftart wird nicht übernommen.
Nachtrag: Habe die Leiter überarbeitet.
Elektrotechnik-Leiter.7z (1.3 KB)
Habe dazu noch ein Bild erstellt, wie die Bauteile bezeichnet werden und wie man sie findet.
This quite long, and possibly very informative thread is of little use to non-German reading members.
This is an English based forum, and most readers expect to find most communication in English. It is also obvious from select comments by the posters that they are well versed with the English language.
As much as it is comforting to read, and write the friendly, familiar “home” language, please use English where possible for the benefit of the non German reading members.
Thanks for the information. Unfortunately, I don’t speak a word of English. That’s why I used Google Translate at the beginning. Because I set my browser to automatically translate all other languages, I made this mistake.
The translator you are using is so good I was certain you were fluent in English.
It would be useful to other members, when you use German, to supply the Google translation.
Thank you for your comments.
This is the app for Google Chrome.
Simply write a block of text, select it, and click the symbol next to the address line.

Grammar and spelling checker – LanguageTool.
Both only work in the text box.
Found a possible error. No text box appears in the page editor after copying and pasting. But later in the circuit diagram editor.
File for analysis:
Elektrik A4 Deckblatt.kicad_wks (4.7 KB)
Addendum: found, no error
Question: How do I actually get a second or third page in the schematic editor?
Draw a box (sheet) on your schematic, give it a name and filename, double click the box to go to the sheet.
Question: Could you add to your wish list that you can save a separate drawing sheet for each sheet?
And ${PROJECTNAME} Project name, without a file extension.
I have now created four more page templates in A3 and A4, once in German and once in English.
kicad-template.7z (10.8 KB)
Hello, I have another request: When printing, the transparency of images is printed out in black. That would have to be changed.
How do I get two switches into one symbol?
I have now revised all the symbols again and tried to narrow them down. to translate.
For now, I’m happy.
Elektrotechnik.7z (20.0 KB)
Hi @Lutz_Muller
It is much more likely that you will receive better replies more often, if you start a new thread for each different question or topic regarding Kicad.
Starting a new topic also helps others who may search the forum looking for answers to the same problem you have.
Cheers, Jan.
Wo steht das? Das sehe ich weder hier: Welcome to the KiCad.info Forums! noch hier (Start Here) Frequently Asked Questions Naja, diese Einträge sind in Englisch, ja, aber dort steht doch explizit:
This forum is meant for people of all ages, types and experience levels
Oder: Dieses Forum ist für alle arten von Leuten gedacht.
It would be useful to other members, when you use German, to supply the Google translation.
Thank you for your comments.
Könntest du eine deutsche Übersetzung hinzufügen für Leser die kein Englisch können? (Ich meine, die Argumentation funktioniert auf beide Seiten.)
Where is that? I don’t see that here: Welcome to the KiCad.info Forums! or here https://forum.kicad.info/t/start-keere-requently -Sked quests/8890 Well, these entries are in English, yes, but there is explicitly:
This forum is mean for people of all Ages, Types and Experience Levels
Or: This forum is intended for all types of people.
It would be useful to other members, when you use German, to supply the Google translation.
Thank you for your comments.
Could you add a German translation for readers who cannot speak English? (I mean, the argument works on both sides.)
That is a consensus among long-time forum users. Please use English.
I’ll quote myself.
I’m not a native English speaker/reader/writer but we happen to have one common language here, English. It would be wonderful if I could have conversations here in Finnish, but it just wouldn’t do good to this forum and the community.
Everything not in English adds rubbish for those who can’t read that specific language, even when a translation is added. There are always people who say “you can always skip those parts” but they don’t seem to understand that the most helpful community members here try to read almost every topic here, at least cursory, but if the rubbish is piled and covers the understandable goods, people may stop reading and answering. The same thing as with intentional spam (evil intention) or those general electronics questions (good intention) which we have discussed recently – they all make this forum more difficult to use, worsening the cost/benefit ratio for the readers and users.
The focus must be kept and everything must be readable and understandable. Otherwise the forum will deteriorate.
I don’t oppose a subforum or something like that for another language, provided that there are enough volunteers to keep it clean, and that it can be completely ignored (i.e. the topics/posts aren’t visible at all) for those who don’t want to read it.
As a non-Finnish speaker/writter, i think it would be great when you would answer in Finnish. Much better than having english everywhere.
as a german myself I am always quite annoyed to see if someone writes in german (or any other non-international language) on international forums. why? because you not only limit the usefulness of your post to others because a lot less people can understand what you want to say but you also limit the amount of responses you can get for the same reason.
around 20% of people worldwide speak english somewhat fluently. the only other language coming close is mandarin chinese, all others have less then half of it (german has 2%) and that does not include people who can at least read a bit of english. that is also the reason why in technical/scientific communities nearly every document independent if it is a datasheet, a tutorial, or journal or whatever is in english and because of this everyone can be sure that most in the community can read english, because otherwise they could not do their job probably. If you go to a german university you more often then not now need to have at least B2 level in english to even start with a masters degree in technical/scientific courses so this consens will get even more established going forward.
It is simply unnecessary and useless to hold up the language barrier online for whatever reason if most people agreed on a standard.
Also ich spreche keine Sprache außer deutsch. Trotz alledem unterhalte ich mich mit vielen Menschen in der ganzen Welt, weil ich meinen Browser so eingestellt habe, dass er jede Sprache übersetzt.
In der heutigen Zeit sollte doch jeder in der Lage sein diese zwei Klicks auszuführen.
Habe ich doch wieder vergessen den Text für die, die zwei Klicks nicht beherrschen zu übersetzen.
So I don’t speak any language except German. Despite all this, I still talk to many people around the world because I have my browser set to translate any language.
In this day and age, everyone should be able to do these two clicks.
I forgot to translate the text again for those who can’t do two clicks.
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