Selecting multiple rows in footprint/symbol configuration does not work unless selecting from first row

Hello, all. I am using KiCad 8.0.4. In the footprint editor and symbol editor, if I select Preferences → Manage xxx Libraries (where xxx is either Footprint or Symbol), I can select multiple rows in the table by clicking on one row and then holding shift while clicking on another row. Both rows and all rows in between will be selected. However, if I now click on one of the check boxes of the highlighted rows, it will only work consistently (that is, check or unchecks all of the highlighted rows) if the set of selected rows includes the first row. If I select any other consecutive block of rows in either Manage xxx Libraries windows, one of two things happens:

  • Only the item I check/uncheck changes state.

  • Some subset of the set of checked items changes state

There seems to be no way to select multiple items that are non-consecutive (i.e., the familiar hold CTRL while clicking on multiple rows).

This makes managing enabled/visible libraries tedious.

I can replicate on v8.0.5 (Mac OS 14). You’ve identified something that’s bothered me massively in the past, but couldn’t work out exactly what was going wrong.

If you are willing, consider making an issue (from KiCad with Help > Report a bug) and include your description and maybe a screen capture video for want extra credit. I couldn’t immediately find a similar issue on Gitlab, though there may be one. If you do make an issue, include a link here so I can give it a “thumbs up.” (I can also write it up and just link to this forum post if you prefer.)

I will totally do this and post back with a link. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction :slight_smile:

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Ugh. I created the issue and it was immediately closed because I amusing 8.0.5. Here is the link to the issue if you want to edit it to indicate that it is still present. Cannot check/uncheck multiple rows' boxes in symbol/footprint library configuraiton window unless first row is included in set of selected rows. (#18843) · Issues · KiCad / KiCad Source Code / kicad · GitLab

I’ve included a video there demonstrating the problem.