I have a mostly routed board, and want to change the properties of all the vias that I’ve placed.
How do I do this in one move? Can’t find a way to select them all at once.
I have a mostly routed board, and want to change the properties of all the vias that I’ve placed.
How do I do this in one move? Can’t find a way to select them all at once.
What version and platform are you using?
If all else fails you can use a text editor or a python script.
Version 4.06 on Windows.
I don’t think a script is a reasonable method for such a simple common task. I surely hope that isn’t the only way.
You can change all vias to their netclass defaults, but the dialog is well hidden.
In Default canvas:
Right-click on a track, select “Edit all Tracks and Vias”. Use that dialog option “Set all tracks and vias to their netclass value”.
Note that if a segment of a track cannot be made larger due to clearance, it will not be changed. You might need to go round and redraw some parts.
Thanks, worked perfectly!
For anyone else, I’d add to bobc’s answer that you need to have the routing tool selected also to get that menu.
For those who stumble here after 3 years with the same search query, I finally found an elegant solution to OP question.
Zoom out and select everything. Right click → Select → Filter selection… → Unselect everything except "include vias’.
I don’t know if there may be any exotic items that don’t fall in any of the other 7 categories, but thus worked for me.
(This didn’t solve my particular question though, which was, ‘how to select/change all vias of a specific size’)
Maybe this works for you:
Pcbnew / Edit / Edit Track & Via Properties
It won’t because I use different vias in the same nets depending on the local needs.
Besides I already used an offline regex search/replace. And I only needed to do this because I got the fab design specifications wrong, which won’t happen a second time.
Yes, KiCad’s simple text based formats are life savers for lots of people in hairy situations. Used a text editor myself a few times…