How can I denote measurements on my PCB layout while I’m designing it? I’m currently using inspection tool for measurements, but I’m finding it difficult to mark these measurements clearly. As a beginner, I’d appreciate some advice on how to handle this situation effectively.
The dimension tool, on the right vertical toolbar, allows you to draw dimension annotations usually on the User Drawings layer, which will not appear in the Gerbers.
In my usage of KiCad 7, I haven’t come across a specific dimension tool on the right vertical toolbar. Instead, I’ve been using the measuring tool for taking measurements. Despite using the measuring tool, I’m still encountering difficulties in effectively marking or annotating these measurements.
Oh dear. Top one in this screenshot. And the documentation is here: PCB Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad
Be daring. Mouse over every icon and see what the tooltip says and then wonder if it could be of use later.
Make the window taller
It should also be accessible from the menu. The tool was also there in earlier versions BTW.
Does KiCad 7 include a dedicated tool for adding dimensions to the PCB layout?
check your display DPI resolution…
unfortunately kicad has a fixed size toolbar without the ability to scroll; probably there is not enough room to display the measurement button
RHS toolbar should look like this if using correct DPI resolution.
As mentioned above by learned colleague, the function with the green highlight gives the result on the left.
your screen resolution is too small or your windows-desktop-scaling is set to high (if the desktop-scaling is > 100% it reduces the effective screen-resolution). I experience the same “missing icons” effect with my laptop #1 (1366x768 resolution) and also with my laptop #2 (1920x1080, but 125% desktop scaling).
Your computer is just not fulfilling the official kicad requirements.
To get a feeling which other icons are missing read the documentation PCB Editor | 7.0 | English | Documentation | KiCad and compare with the pictures on there. (or look at the picture from @jmk)
As a workaround: use the mainmenu bar with PLACE–>ADD Dimension. Or use the hotkey for these command (look into Preferences–>Preferences–>hotkey to get the hotkey settings for these dimension-commands).
I think kicad should move to a better toolbar management as in all modern sw.
That would be useful also for pcb plugins bar.
I’ve filed a bug here a few months ago:
Vote for it if you’re itnerested. (But getting a larger screen is probably a good idea anyway)
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